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 SUMO Homepage > Documentation > Network configuration > Add node
Add a Node
After installation process you must create at least one "Node" for your SUMO server through Control Panel.
A Node is an object necessary to identify your SUMO server on the network and to manage your "Access Points". In distributed server environment, you must define at least one node for each server, but if you have only one SUMO server only two node are required, a default node at localhost and a node to connect from outside (Internet or ethernet IP address).

Note: if you can't connect to your webpages (or to SUMO Control Panel), and receive a message "Node not active" probably you have enabled "Node Management" but Node is inactive or not defined. Then, only if you want enable this feature (and if you have more than one Sumo server):

1. verify if you have created (and enabled) this node
2. verify that a node have correct IP address (must to be the same IP of your webpage).

Adding a node you can enable external connections, than:
  • connect to your Control Panel (after installation you can connect only to http://localhost/sumo/).
  • click to "Network" -> "Nodes" -> "Add Node" and insert Node parameters (all fileds required):

    Node name: a preferred name for your node.

    Host: the hostname, the IP address of your server that can be viewed outside local network, or domain name of your site.

    Status: set this to "enable".

    Port: port number of your webserver (default 80).

    Protocol: set http or https. Remember to set correct port number (443 is a standard port for https protocol).

    Sumo Path: a web path of SUMO without protocol and server address (this path start with slash / character). For example, if your Control Panel is on http://localhost/sumo/ your "sumo path" is: /sumo/