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 SUMO Homepage > Documentation > Startup errors guide
Startup errors guide
This chapter provides a list of startup errors, their meanings, and possible solutions.
If you encounter a problem that is not covered in this chapter, contact SUMO technical support and submit any include relevant log entries or configuration files to sumoam-support@lists.sourceforge.net

Error example
Startup errors are printed to standard output when application starts and you can view a message like this:


Configuration error!

code: E00002S

register_globals must to be OFF!
Change it in your php.ini!

Note: This error page might contain sensitive information because SUMO is configured to show verbose error messages using SUMO_VERBOSE_ERRORS=TRUE. Consider using SUMO_VERBOSE_ERRORS=FALSE in production environments.

SUMO Access Manager
© Copyright 2005-2006 by Basso Alberto

If only a blank page are displayed and no error is available enable SUMO_VERBOSE_ERRORS on <sumo_dir>/configs/config.server.php to view all possible messages from PHP engine.

 * if TRUE display any error, default is FALSE
 * for security reasons

define ('SUMO_VERBOSE_ERRORS', true);

Understanding the error code
Error codes help you to identify the cause of a problem and the actions that might be needed to solve the problem.
Error codes provide a unique entry to application procedures. Each error code has an error ID that uniquely identifies the condition that caused the error. Error could be recorded on database, on filesystem or sended via e-mail.
Errors code
The following errors types are possible:
  • E: Error
    This type identifies maximum severity level
  • W: Warning
    This type identifies medium severity level by an unexpected conditions that might be experienced during user operations. These conditions can result from network errors or incorrect user actions.
  • I: Information
    This type identifies conditions where a user might want to be notified of the completion of an event.
The error code tables list the various error codes and describe the actions that you may take.

The following table list only startup error codes:

Error Code Message / Action
E00000S Undefined error!

No error details

Set SUMO_VERBOSE_ERRORS to TRUE on <sumo_dir>/configs/config.server.php to view all possible messages from PHP engine.
E00001S You have accessed this URL improperly!

You have accessed directly to application from an improperly URL.

No action available.
E00002S Configuration error!

The parameter "register_globals" on your php.ini is set to ON.

Set register_globals to OFF in your php.ini.
E00003S Database connection failed!

Various reasons can generate this error, these are most frequent:
  1. Wrong configuration on <sumo_dir>/configs/config.database.php.

  2. Wrong configuration on your hosts file.

  3. SUMO database is on different server (remote) and a firewall between servers prevents network communications.

  4. SUMO database is on different server and not accept remote connections.

  5. SUMO database is stopped (listener or database daemon is down).

  6. Database server overloads or network down.

  1. Verify that any parameters on <sumo_dir>/configs/config.database.php is correct (verify these parameters also on database server).

    Six parameters are required:

    1. Database type (mysql, oracle, etc...)
    2. Hostname or IP address of database
    3. Database name
    4. Database port
    5. Database user
    6. Database password

    This is an example of configuration file for MySQL database at localhost:

    $sumo_db['type']     = 'mysql';
    $sumo_db['host']     = 'localhost';
    $sumo_db['port']     = '3306';
    $sumo_db['name']     = 'sumo';
    $sumo_db['user']     = 'RogerWaters';
    $sumo_db['password'] = 'TheWall';

  2. If you try to connect to database via hostname (see <sumo_dir>/configs/config.database.php) verify if in your hosts file (on Unix/Linux system is /etc/hosts) there is correct IP address and hostname for your database.

  3. Verify your firewall configuration: port, protocol, source and destination IP's between servers (see your database specifications for correct settings).

    Note: you can verify a connection from application to SUMO database via telnet, so open a shell (or a command prompt on Windows systems) and type:

    telnet <your_database_ip> <database_port>

    for example on MySQL:

    telnet <your_database_ip> 3306 # (default port)

    If you can't connect to database server contact your DBA to verify database settings.

  4. Verify if database accept remote connections (in MySQL set bind_address=<your_database_ip>), and if database user can connect to it from remote server.
    If you can't connect to database contact your sysadmin to verify firewall and network settings.

  5. Verify if database is running, if not restart it and reload a page.

  6. Contact your database administrator to find overload reasons or your sysadmin for system or network overload.

E00004S Template not found!

Can't load a template file or template not exist.

Verify if you have required .tpl files for defined theme, and if web user have read permission on these files.
E00005S PHP version check failed!

the version of PHP interpreter is not fully supported. You cannot run SUMO on this server.

The application need PHP version 5.0 or above.
E00006S Missing GD extension!

The GD extension for PHP are missing. This extension is required to manipulate images into some SUMO modules.
SUMO try to loads this extension at runtime using "dl" function, however don't work.
Use phpinfo() function to view which extensions have been loaded. The php.ini file is used to configure it, then add the missing extension.
E00007S Service denied!

You not have permission to access this service, or you have accessed this service improperly.
Check your user permissions, and ask to your SUMO system administrator if necessary.
E00009S Configuration error!

Your SUMO server it's configured to use SQLite as database, but store sessions to SQLite don't work.
Set SUMO_SESSIONS_DATABASE to false in your server configuration file: <SUMO_PATH>>/configs/config.server.php.
E00010S Configuration error!

Your SUMO server it's configured to use SQLite as database, but sessions replica don't work on this database.
Set SUMO_SESSIONS_REPLICA to false in your server configuration file: <SUMO_PATH>>/configs/config.server.php.
E00011S Database error!

Can’t load Server configuration from database table.
Look at your Sumo server configuration file <SUMO_PATH>>/configs/config.sumo.php the name of the configuration table (SUMO_TABLE_CONFIGS), it can be sumo_configs.
Then verify if this table is not empty, must contain at least two lines, one for the server and one for the console configuration. Each line have an XML data file that describe the relative configuration parameters.

Note: if you can't connect to your webpages (or to SUMO Control Panel), and receive a message "Node not active" probably this Node is suspended or not defined. Then, use nodes only if you have more than one Sumo server:

1. verify if you have created (and enabled) this node
2. verify that a node have correct IP address (must to be the same IP/hostname of your webpage).